The Emerald Flame:
Apprentice Pack Hints
Clock Postcard

. Everything you need is on the front of the postcard, and the necessary elements all share a common feature.

. Each clock hand has a different icon: a hand, moon, sun, star, and leaf. Do you see those shapes anywhere else?

. The figures to the left and right of the clock feature the same shapes as the clock hands. What do you think this could mean?

. Each clock hand points to a different number. Is there any way to use those numbers to derive a message?

. Don’t forget about the text in the top left corner. Maybe that could help you figure out what to do with the numbers.

. Use the numbers to index into the gold text and get letters. For example, 3=A, 9=E.

. The order of the letters is shown by the icons on the figurines, from left to right.
Hands Drawing

. Start by looking at the left hand. Does anything stand out? As it states, ignore the stars above the hand for now.

. The symbols on the middle finger are colored in the darkest blue, matching the outermost color on the concentric circle diagram above, while the thumb is colored in lime green, matching the innermost ring. Which rings might the other fingers relate to?

. The fingers relate to the rings in the circle in order of length, with the thumb being the innermost circle, followed by the pinky, index finger, ring finger, and middle finger.

. Knowing which circle each finger relates to, how can you use the symbols on the fingers to plot points on the wheel?

. Use the symbols in the stars around the wheel as a coordinate system. For example, the first symbol is the shield on the thumb. Plotting it onto the innermost wheel would yield the letter C.

. Continue finding the letters indicated by the symbols, then read the result from the innermost ring outward (or in order of the finger lengths, from palm upwards.)

. The letters will spell out “COUNT THE STEPS.” Look at the numbers on the right thumb and consider what that might mean.

. From the center to the first C there are 4 steps, as shown by the dots. It takes another 2 steps to get to the O.

. Moving to each spot on the circle is a “step”, including moving down from one circle tier to another. Count the steps between each letter you plotted and transcribe the numbers into the right hand.

. The numbers are as follows: thumb: 4, 2; Pinky: 3, 4; Index: 6, 5, 1; Ring: 4, 6, 1; Middle: 3, 4, 2.

. The thumb on the left has a sun and the thumb on the right has a moon. All the symbols in the stars above the left hand have a counterpart on the right. What could the others be?

. The symbols on the right hand, from right to left, are the moon, shield, key, water, and ear. How can you use those with the numbers on the hand?

. Use the numbers from each finger to find letters outside the stars with the corresponding symbol that would be above that finger. For example, letters 4 and 2 on the moon are O and L.

. The next letter is D, found at #3 on the star with the ear. After that, there is a space at #4 on the star with the ear. The final solution is 3 words.