Spring 2020 Online Puzzles
Click the arrows to scroll through the puzzles. Hints are below the slideshow and correspond to the puzzle by number. Each has its own solution of one or more words. These puzzles were posted online throughout the spring of 2020 and most are integrated into images from real medieval manuscripts.

The answer will give you advice related to the image shown.

The answer will describe you once you’ve solved it.

The solution is 2 words; a way that one might feel when excited.

The answer will give you advice related to the image shown.

. Examine the spiral and the numbers in the center. Does the format imply anything?

. After the zero, the numbers increase around the circle from 1-11 around the clock. The spiral will help you read the correct letters.

. The first letter after “THIS IS” is W, which is the first letter in the #1 row. What do you think the 2nd letter is?

. The 2nd letter is H, which is the 2nd letter in the #2 row.

. Continue going around the circle and extracting one letter from each row, based on the number of the row. 3rd letter from row 3, 4th from row 4, etc.
Puzzle 1 Hints
Puzzle 2 Hints

. The clue says “solar system?” Can you try to connect the mysterious symbols to planets?

. A google search should help you find the planet symbols. From left to right they are: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Earth, Mercury, and Venus.

. The symbol for Jupiter is pointing toward the E in the word Tandem. Consider why it is pointing to that letter. Each symbol will represent another letter.

. Jupiter is the 5th planet, and E is the 5th letter in the word Tandem. Can you find the rest of the letters by using the planet order in the solar system?

. There will be two letters extracted from each word. Lastly, you will need to decode the vertical symbols on the right side of the image.

. Each of the fruits represents a word. Start by trying to figure out the ones at the bottom.

. The words at the bottom are each 4 letters long, and will evolve into other words as they go up the chain.

. The starting words are CROW and DONE. The ribbons in the center give you clues as to how to alter each word going upward.

. CROW needs one letter removed to make an organized line. DONE needs one letter changed (remove one, add one) in order to make it into a single wolf.

. The 2nd words in each chain are ROW and LONE. Can you figure out the rest?

. The 3rd and 4th words in the left chain are ROE and TOE. On the right they are LORE and CORE. Can you figure out the last words?
Puzzle 3 Hints

. On the left you have an example of what to do, written in blue letters.

. If enormous hill = MOUNTAIN -3 = to get onto, which is MOUNT, what are the numbers referring to?

. The -3 is how many letters to remove. Each row has numbers showing how many letters to add or remove, as well as a clue for the solution in that row.

. The remaining words in the first column are COUNT and COUNTER.

. The first words in the 2nd and third column are KNOW and TILE.

. The remaining words in column 2 are KNOCK, LOCK, and CLOCK. In column 3, TIDE, WIDE, and WISE.

. Notice the equation in the center triangle. How can you combine those 3 words?
Puzzle 4 Hints

. Start with the letters inside the clover shapes.

. Notice the lines on the stem of the flower. What could they be communicating?

. Follow each clover down the line to the bottom.

. You should have read ZIGZAG READER. Now how can you use that to read the top? The solution from the previous puzzle should help with this.

. Read the letters on the big clover shape in the same zigzag pattern, starting with the top left corner and going counterclockwise.
Puzzle 5 Hints

. Look at the red, pink, and purple areas on the bottom for guidance.


. Combine each neighboring pair of items to make 4 additional compound words.


. 6=C is in the wheelchair area. Why would 6=C?

. Use the number to index into each compound word and retrieve one letter. Read the word from the top left clockwise.
Puzzle 6 Hints

. There are 2 examples given to you: an M and W, E. Try to think of why those letters are placed where they are.

. Each drawing is associated with a word.

. The words MOON and MEAT (or HAM) have one letter in common.

. What could be the two words that share both W and E?

. They are WATER and WINE. Continue to identify the other words and try to find common letters.

. The words and letters are: MOON (M) MEAT/HAM (A) PRAY (Y) TOY (T) WATER (W,E) WINE (N) NUTS (T) YACHT (Y) EYES (S,E) VEST (V,E) VINE (N)
Puzzle 7 Hints

. The three circles are each showing a certain number of daylight hours. How can you connect that to the calendar events below?

. The calendar events suggest 3 distinct times of year. What time of year does each circle represent?

. From left to right, the circles represent winter (least daylight), spring, and summer (most daylight). Determine the time of year each calendar event pertains to.

. The 2nd row has an example of what to do. Swimming in a lake implies summer, and the first letter after sundown on the summer circle is G.

. The ice skating lesson starts at sunrise in the winter, and lasts for two hours, which means the letters are N and I. If there is no time stated, take the letter in the first hour of the event, just like the lake swim.

. The cherry blossom festival is in spring, letters HTA. Fireworks are in winter at midnight, letter N. 4th of July is in summer, letters DDA. Easter egg hunt is in the spring, letter Y.
Puzzle 8 Hints

. The 5 shapes on the top all fit into the colorful octagon, but often overlap. Notice that each shape has one letter each of 5 main colors underneath it.

. Each shape pertains to one of the 5 colors. Green is given as an example for the 2nd shape. Can you find that green shape in the octagon?

. The green shape is on the far left. Can you identify the first shape in the sequence now?

. The first shape in the sequence is dark blue and can be found on the top, meaning the first letter is T. Now that you can eliminate those two colors, can you find the cyan, yellow, and red shapes?

. The diamond shape is cyan and can be found in the middle.

. Next is yellow, which is at the bottom, and red is last, occupying the bottom right corner of the grid.
Puzzle 9 Hints

. Start by trying to arrange the floors of the castle into the correct order.

. The first floor is the one with the large door, the second is the one with 5 windows.

. The third floor is the last of the largest size, followed by the one with the angled walls.

. The rest of the floors are the small one with the slots, the single window, and the roof. Now you should be able to get the letters from all but 2 of the floors.

. Since the even floors are east and the top and bottom are west, you should have the following letters: F I (R or N) E (D or M) U P. Can you figure out which of the variable letters will give you the correct message?